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Recognize's Employee Recognition Program Maturity Model

March 28, 2024

To assist in the discovery phase of implementing a new recognition program or platform at your organization, our team has created the Employee Recognition Program Maturity Model. This model is intended to help organizations determine their starting point with employee recognition, and to provide a framework for identifying major program milestones.

Being able to identify your company’s current phase in the journey is crucial to creating appropriate and attainable goals and KPIs over time. This way, you’ll be able to scale your programs and attain the level of maturity you’re aspiring to. Below, you will find a summary of each of the phases of maturity, as well as a list of key identifiers and attributes for each phase. Feel free to save a copy of this model or bookmark this article to refer back to as you meet milestones with your recognition programs!

Phase 1 - Ad-Hoc

Phase 2 - Emerging

Phase 3 - Established

Phase 4 - Advanced

Phase 5 - Exemplary


If you’re unsure where your company stands, you can take our Program Maturity Assessment, which will also provide you with an assigned action plan for moving to the next phase with your programs!

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