9 ways companies celebrate customer service week

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Customer service week is an annual event during the first week of October. The week started in 1992 when U.S. Congress passed as a nationally recognized event. It is a time to think back and appreciate the hardships customer service teams endure throughout the year. Customer Support keeps customers happy and in turn, keeps the company alive.

Businesses Will Do Better

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

– Maya Angelou

Send an employee recognition to the entire company

https://wp.csweek.com/ every year promotes it through graphics, helpful tips, and more.

Utilizing this year’s Customer Service Week graphic, we made a couple of Badges that Recognize admins can upload to recognize customer-facing employees. Email support@recognizeapp.com if you’d like to send a bulk recognition!

Stats on Customer Service Week

  • First Week of October every year
  • 45% turnover rate of customer service employees with average employment being one year.
  • Americans will pay 17% more to do business with firms with great reputations when it comes to customer service. 
  • 70% of consumers say they have already made a choice to support a company that delivers great customer service.

Ideas for Customer Service Appreciation Week

Award ceremony

Award ceremony

Companies have a surprise or scheduled event that involves an award ceremony. Offer individual and group awards for both serious achievements and fun accolades.

Free lunch for the week

Offer everyone in the CS team either delivery or catering for the week of healthy foods and snacks. At Disney, all the characters are offered free Yoga and food to help them be in the best mood to make Disney a magical place. Make your CS team a magical place too!

Introduce more wellness resources for mental health and physical health

Every year for Customer Service Week can you make the workplace a bit better for the long run? Introduce new offerings, such as online or in-person mental health access, massages, meditation, and 24 Fitness memberships.

Work from home options

Give credits employees can redeem for days off. Alaska has their customer service team work from home and you can tell the difference in the tone of voice, which makes a big difference in overall Net Promoter Scores.

How to Use Recognize to Show Appreciation for Customer Service

Give the entire customer service team recognition from an executive. An executive assistant can impersonate the executive to send on behalf to help craft the message. 

Monetary vs. Non-Monetary

Monetary or non-monetary recognition

Recognize can give monetary points as part of exhibiting a company value. The points the customer service staff receive from the recognition can be used to redeem rewards. The rewards can be anything from an Amazon, Airbnb to Visa card, or company sweatshirt. Thus, make a reward the same point value as the points earned from the Customer Support Award. 

Give a larger monetary recognition privately to specific employees who have truly gone above and beyond.

Approval Recognition

Employee recognition approval settings

Allow all the employees to recognize a teammate for exceeding expectations. Accomplish this through approval recognition.


Give the employees control over who is awarded for going above and beyond in the last year in customer service. Create a voting process with Recognize Nominations. The employees who receive the most nominations win a special award.

No matter what you end up doing, do something is the goal. Make your Customer Service team feel like the legends they are. 

Award Certificates

Award Certificate

When an employee receives recognition in Recognize, they also can receive a printable award certificate. Click “View Certificate” on the recognition page.

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