Three Tips When Adding an eNPS or Pulse Survey

A hand putting frown and smile markers down symbolizing ratings

Surveys have been used in some form or another for centuries, but they became more widely used in the business world in the early 20th century. One of the first recorded uses of surveys in a business setting was in 1916, when the Western Electric Company conducted a study to determine the effects of lighting on worker productivity.

Employee surveys started to become more common in the mid-20th century, particularly after World War II. At this time, many companies began to focus on improving employee satisfaction and engagement, and surveys were seen as a useful tool for gathering information about employee opinions and attitudes.

Pulse surveys, which are short, frequent surveys designed to gather feedback on a regular basis, are a more recent development. They started to gain popularity in the early 2000s as companies began to recognize the importance of collecting real-time feedback to improve employee engagement and productivity.

What is an Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) Survey?

An Employee Net Promoter Survey (eNPS) is a method for measuring employee engagement and loyalty by asking them a single question: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company as a place to work?” The results are then used to determine the company’s eNPS score. Learn more about the Recognize eNPS toolkit here.

Legos workers

What is a Pulse Survey at Companies?

A Pulse Survey system is a frequent survey process that companies can use to keep a constant general feedback on employee engagement. Employees are engaged, they are more productive, and the company can achieve its goals. Pulse Surveys help companies to be one step ahead of churn or lowered productivity and make adjustments where needed.

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Benefits of Implementing an eNPS or Pulse Survey

Companies benefit from incorporating eNPS into their HR processes as it helps them to measure employee satisfaction and engagement. This feedback can be used to improve company culture, address employee concerns, and ultimately reduce turnover rates.

👉 According to a study by Qualtrics, companies with high eNPS scores have a 2.5x higher customer loyalty than companies with low eNPS scores.

👉 Another study by Culture Amp found that companies that use pulse surveys have a 14.9% higher employee engagement rate than those that do not.

👉 A survey by Gallup found that companies with engaged employees experience a 17% increase in productivity, a 20% increase in sales, and a 21% increase in profitability compared to companies with disengaged employees.

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Three Tips Companies Should Consider When Running an eNPS or Pulse Survey

Recognize eNPS

Timing on eNPS

How often should we conduct the surveys? Annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly? Most recommend running eNPS Surveys on the quarterly basis so you can make quarterly goals that respond to them.

Action in eNPS Responses

What steps should we take based on the results of the survey? Read the confidential comments. Learn what your staff are saying in terms of why they are giving the ratings they are. You can download the eNPS results from Recognize or sort them inside the tool. Either way, you can see what are the reasons behind the 10, 9, 8, 7, etc scores. Focus on the 5, 6 and 7, and pick the lowest hanging fruit theme that emerges.

Make sure to demonstrate integrity in the process. If you can’t follow through, don’t bother asking in the first place.

Engagement after The Staff Survey

How can we increase employee engagement to improve eNPS scores? The question is bidirectional. If we increase scores, our engagement has gone up and vice versa. This allows company leaders to pick different things to try. The score gives you a marker of where you are now. Make a goal of where you want to be. Directly ask your employees if they give anything less than 10, “What do we have to do to get you to be a 10?” Go for gold, be great, expect greatness, you got this!

Want More Tips on Engagement Surveys?

Check out an article on additional employee engagement questions leaders can ask staff.

Lego worker reading the newspaper.

Pitfalls in the Employee Surveys and How to Improve the Score

Leaders should also consider using relevant resources to help with eNPS implementation and analysis. One such resource is Recognize eNPS, which provides a comprehensive eNPS toolkit.

While eNPS surveys can be beneficial, there are some pitfalls to consider. For example, if the surveys are conducted too frequently, employees may feel overwhelmed or that their feedback is not being taken into account. Additionally, if the company does not take proper action based on the results of the survey, the process can become futile.

Companies can improve their eNPS score by actively addressing employee concerns, providing opportunities for employee growth, and improving company culture. When employees feel valued and engaged, they are more likely to recommend the company to others, improving the eNPS score.

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