
The Recognize platform is centered around promoting the best in your staff. That means systematic promotion and reporting on your company values and core competencies. With Recognize, the badging is a full experience from recognition to performance review.

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Recognize badge web page
Company values show up in the user profile inside Recognize

The Badges Are the Company's DNA Visible in User Profiles

Everyone’s profile shows their Top Badges. These symbolize which company values the employee represents.

Recognize badging customizations

Customizable Badging Mechanics

Recognize provides a robust set of customizations for the badging. Recognize is above and beyond the other vendors in its features to support your company goals around promoting recognition, appreciation, and core competencies. These then are shown in the Employee Hall of Fame as well.

Recognize app company custom badges

Upload Your Own Badges

The employee recognition badges inside Recognize are completely customizable. The image, title, description, and more are changeable.

The Recognize team is dedicated to providing a customizable experience. Contact us to learn more.

Banking badges

Banking Badges

Download the Recognize company value finance and banking badges for free.

Increase cyber security awareness and improve customer support through badging.

Recognize badges

Download the Original Recognize Badge Set

Recognize gives the original 30 badges away to the public for free with attribution. You can download the icons and badges here.

Healthcare badges

Healthcare Badges

Download the Recognize company value healthcare badge set specifically with hospitals in mind.

Support safety measures to lower safety instances. Give thanks to those much needed healthcare workers.

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