Hong Kong

Recognize supports Traditional Chinese localization and a Visa gift card for our Hong Kong companies.

اجتمع معنا
Visa gift card

Visa gift card for Hong Kong

Employees in Hong Kong can redeem points in Recognize for a prepaid Visa card. It can be delivered for physical use or used online.

Code for translation of Recognize in Chinese

Supports traditional Chinese

Recognize is translated into Traditional Chinese. Provide the language of choice when uploading user data or the employee can choose from their profile.

التعرف على النشرة الإخبارية

ابق على اطلاع بأحدث أخبار الموارد البشرية والموارد والنصائح والتكنولوجيا. احصل على نصائح مجانية من خبراء الموارد البشرية وعروض خاصة.