User Sync
Recognize can dynamically add and remove employees based on data automatically uploaded to Recognize from Azure AD, Workday, or sFTP.
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Configurable User Sync
Recognize has been adding more and more features to the user sync since we introduced it in 2013. Companies love the fact that they can add Office 365 Azure user sync without having to manually upload user data, such as manager or hire data.

Azure Active Directory
Recognize is in the Azure app store to provide cloud-based connection to your behind the firewall Active Directory.

Workday support
Recognize supports user sync with Workday. Due to Workday’s configurable interface, it may require special setup and additional cost.
Once enabled, you’ll never need to worry about user information being up to date in Recognize.

Secure FTP support
Send user data to Recognize on a nightly or weekly basis using sFTP. Many IT teams have already set this up already with other third party tools. Do the same with Recognize!

Tying it all together
User sync is just one part of the overall connection of Recognize to other tools.
Using the Zapier platform, Recognize connects with other 2,000 tools. Contact us to learn more.