Github employee recognition & rewards

Give official monetary praise to developers and collaborators in your Github repository



GitHub is the main place for public source code. Developers, or anyone, host and review code, manage projects and build software.

What you'll need

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Use case

Recognize someone for completing certain Github Issues

Your developers work hard and they deserve recognition for the great code they produce. Give automatic recognition for certain pull requests or issues.

Github to Recognize

What Happens

  1. A teammate completes a big issue.

  2. You add a label to the issue that symbolizes a recognition.

  3. The employee will automatically be recognized for a job well done with a company value badge and possibly monetary points.

  4. The employee can redeem rewards, such as gift cards or company items, if they have that choice.

Had trouble? Have an idea?

If your company is a customer of Recognize, we'd love to help you get started.

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