Employee Recognition For Mobile

Send employee recognition or redeem staff rewards from the Recognize mobile app.

Download Recognize for your Android phone
  • Arrow pointing up Easily send your colleagues a role-based? employee recognition
  • Arrow pointing down Get gift card or company-fulfilled employee rewards
  • Share your recognitions Share on Microsoft Teams, Slack, TV-mode, and the website
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Recognize & Redeem From Your Phone

Screenshots of rewards, sending recognition, redemptions, stream page, and profile page.
Recognize provides enterprise theming to brand to your company.

Themeable & Localized

Human translated into whatever languages you need. Add your colors and logos instantly to the mobile app from the website.

See Your Corporate Recognition Profile

Help staff know where they stand in your company's employee recognition stats. See how many points you've accrued, how many are redeemable for a reward, and what recognitions you received or sent.

See how many points you have left to redeem, the recognitions you've received, and the employee recognitions you've sent

See all your employee rewards from the mobile app to use in the store

Earn employee recognition for doing great work and use those corporate recognitions to redeem rewards. These rewards can include gift cards, such as Starbucks or Amazon. You can get the gift card claim code from the app to use in the store or online. Recognize supports both Android and iOS (iPhone).

View and get all your redemptions from the employee recognition app Recognize
View employee recognitions, comment, or like a publicly sent social recognition in Recognize mobile app

Make corporate recognition social with commenting and liking in the Recognize mobile app

Send recognition either publicly, privately, or one that requires approval from a manager. Once sent publicly, staff can comment or like the employee recognitions.

Automate the employee service award process, while showcasing the publicly sent anniversary or birthday recognitions in the mobile app. Staff can comment or like these special events. Even recognize someone for joining the company or first few months of service.

Implement the best corporate recognition programs for your company

From all of Recognize's integrations, including Outlook, Mobile, and more, your staff can send monetary recognition using a points economy, non-monetary recognition, and approval recognition. If it is an approval recognition then the direct report manager has to approve or deny the recognition. Company Admins choose how many points a manager can then apply to the approved recognition. All of which can be created via the Android or iPhone Recognize employee recognition mobile apps.

Showing the employee recognition badges that can be monetary, non-monetary, or requires a manager approval.
Share your recognitions to MS Teams, Slack, and Viva Engage

Share employee recognitions to your company's social collaboration tool

Staff will want to send employee recognition from their phones, let's face it. At the same time, as an admin of Recognize, the Recognize Kiosk on your TVs in your lobby, to your Recognize Outlook add-on, or to Yammer by Microsoft. Recognize mobile app for iPhone or Android helps share your company's employee recognitions across your company.

Can I administer our Recognize account from the mobile app?

You can fully customize and maImplement the best corporate nage your Recognize employee recognition program from recognizeapp.com from your smart phone or tablet. The mobile app is meant for core functionality while on the go, such as getting a redemption or sending a recognition.

Does Recognize read my phone's data?

Unlike many mobile apps, the Recognize employee recognition mobile app does absolutely nothing other than try to make positivity the forefront of your company's culture. The Recognize employee recognition app does not read your contact data, observe your behavior, nor track your location.

How much does it cost to use the Recognize mobile app?

Recognize employee recognition app for Android and iPhone costs nothing to use. If your company would like to customize their Recognize employee recognition program, they will need to purchase a subscription.

See Recognize pricing

Can I sign up for Recognize from the mobile app?

You need to already have an account with Recognize to use the Recognize employee recognition mobile app. You can sign up from the website now.

Single Sign On (SAML) support for mobile

Recognize supports SSO with SAML, such as Okta, ADFS, LastPass, and other authentication options. Check out the Resources on integrations to learn more.

Recognize pays for itself. And then some.

9 out of 10 employees agree, Recognize increases staff retention and employee satisfaction. Plus, automated employee recognition frees up cycles for HR.

A Jeweler who engages her staff with weekly employee recognition and automated rewards.