Here's What Industry Insiders Say About 10 Employee Engagement Research And Statistics

employee engagement

High employee engagement will lead to high productivity, better job satisfaction, higher revenue, and more sales and profits.

When your employees are active and engaged in the working environment, they’ll feel happier and will also try to achieve the company’s goals. In this article, you will know about the top 10 employee engagement research topics and statistics that can help you to manage your employees better.

So, read all the information and stats to have a better understanding of employee engagement.

Top Research and Studies Resulted In Workplace

1. 36% of the Employees Stay Engaged in their Workplaces

According to the Gallup reports, employee engagement research papers, around 51% of employees are very disengaged and silent in their workplace. They don’t want or even show interest in communicating with their colleagues or managers. On the other hand, 13% of the employees stay “actively disengaged”. It means that they feel pretty miserable and bored at work and also spread negativity to other employees.

On the other hand, 13% of the employees stay “actively disengaged”. It means that they feel pretty miserable and bored at work and also spread negativity to other employees. 

However, 36% of the employees stay engaged in their workplaces and this number is too low to bring proper profit to the company. 

Further reports show in 2017, around 85% of the employees were found disengaged and unmotivated in their workplaces. This percentage dropped by 10% in 2019. 

Although, it’s quite a surprise that the employee engagement percentage didn’t drop since the pandemic. It means many companies have been working on their employee engagement programs to reflect better employee engagement in the workplace. 

2. 21% of the Profit Increases with Powerful Employee Engagement

Further, Gallup’s research of employee engagement reports states that the companies that have a powerful workforce achieved 21% higher profit. These companies also have 17% higher productivity than those companies that have disengaged employees and workforce. The reasons are pretty simple, as the employees who are engaged and motivated tend to perform better and are also very dedicated to their companies.

The reasons are pretty simple, as the employees who are engaged and motivated tend to perform better and are also very dedicated to their companies. 

Therefore, these companies tend to bring in more profit and higher revenues. 

3. Employee Disengagement Puts the U.S. Economy to a Downfall of $450-550 Billion Every Year

Several research conducted on employee engagement found that $450-$550 billion are lost each year because of disengaged workers. The vital reasons for these are lower responsibility sense, lack of effective motivation, missed deadlines, and poor team management. It has been estimated that an employee with a salary of $10,000 can cost a company around $3,400 due to lack of productivity.

The reason is disengaged employees tend to leave the company at some point, and the employer has to reinvest in hiring and training again. Therefore, the company faces loss every time an employee quits or leaves their job.    

4. Unnecessary Virtual Meetings Make 38% of the Remote Employees Feel  Worn Out

According to recent studies, the majority of remote employees show signs of exhaustion when they regularly participate in virtual meetings.

38% of remote employees reported being weary, while 30% reported feeling immense pressure due to these regular virtual meetings. 

Maintaining contact with your remote employees is necessary, however, frequent virtual meetings may disturb their productivity and workflow. This can even demotivate and even exhaust them. 

This can also put them under stress and a lot of pressure. So, if these virtual meetings are essential then try to keep them once a week or best twice a month. This will allow you to stay updated and also keep your employees less stressed.  

5. 65% of the Employees Want More Precisely Defined Responsibilities

When employees are aware of their responsibilities, they perform better. Establishing an employee’s job and responsibilities, as well as their contribution to the larger picture, will help retain employees for extended periods of time.

In recent studies, it has been shown that 65% of the employees stay more active and motivated when they are well aware of their responsibilities (source). 

This allows them to take actions on their own and even develop a positive attitude to accomplish the job.  

research and analytics

6. 85% of the Workers Stay Motivated When the Internal Communications is Powerful and Effective

Effective internal communications encourage 85% of employees to increase their engagement levels at work (source).

When managers regularly communicate with the employees, it allows them to be more comfortable with their managers and even tend to share the same vision of achieving the best results. 

Therefore, as a manager, it’s pretty important for you to maximize your internal communication skills if you want to bring the best out of your team.  

If you are not open with your team members then you simply can’t expect them to have the same vision and mission of bringing the best outcomes. 

So, be on the same page as your employees to have a better and productive work balance.  

7. Only 16% of the Companies Make Use of Technology to Monitor Their Employees’ Engagement

Only 16% of businesses and companies use technology to assess employee progress and engagement (source). 

These technologies monitor employees’ progression of how many hours they work, when and the number of breaks they take, and many more.

When you operate a remote work environment, one of your primary responsibilities should be to track employee performance and engagement. If you maintain it well, you can bring success to both your company and your employees.

There is software like Time Doctor that monitors your employees’ working time, engagement, and many more. 

8. Recognition can Motivate 37% of the Employees and Make Them More Dedicated and Productive

According to a study on “top performance motivators,” personal acknowledgment or recognition is the most motivating factor for around 37% of employees.

In a recent employee engagement survey and the modern workplace, 84% of highly engaged employees received acknowledgment the last time they went the extra mile at work. Not surprisingly, just 25% of actively disengaged employees received recognition for their efforts.

When you publicly or privately praise your team members’ good work, you create the road for their improved performance, and when you demonstrate your appreciation for their efforts, you increase their engagement and productivity.

9. 33% of the Employees Leave the Company Due to Lack of Challenges

Around 33% of employees leave their jobs due to boredom or for new challenges (source). They are constantly on the lookout for new chances for professional development, which pushes them to continue learning and improving at what they do.

That is why managers and human resource experts should make integrating new challenges and variations in daily activities a primary priority. 

Providing continuous chances for employees to learn and improve is critical for increasing employee engagement and retention.

Opportunities for professional development are also critical for firm success since they enhance employee experience and aid in the development of skills and competencies.

10. 70% of the Employees Fail to Achieve Proper Engagement Due to Poor Managing Qualities of the Managers

For years, there has been the slogan “workers don’t leave organizations; they leave their managers”. 70% of employees failing to achieve the right kind of engagement due to managerial failures proves the point (source). 

So, it’s unsurprising that employee success is directly related to a manager’s management ability. 

If managers can lead their teams from the front, then they can easily make their team members be more productive and well-organized.  

Moreover, engaged employees perform better and inspire their teammates to do the same. When this occurs, teams become more engaged, which results in increased success.

Bottom Line

Enhancing employee engagement is essential for business success. Nothing will stand in your way of accomplishing your goals if you create a healthy work atmosphere where employees can improve daily and get recognition for their efforts.

The employees who stay motivated and have regular and effective communication with their managers tend to perform better and stay more productive at work. This will not only benefit the employees but will also improve your company.

So, start implementing these tactics for employee engagement now, and you’ll see an increase in your company’s profitability in no time.

