How to Use Employee Incentive Programs Template?

incentive programs template

The success of a company mostly depends on the efforts of the employees. So, it’s essential that you try to keep them satisfied at moment possible. 

A pay rise might be one of the most effective ways to encourage your employees to work better. Therefore, starting with employee incentive programs might be a great solution to increase the profits of your company or business. 

Encouragement and motivation to your employees will boost their confidence to work better and with more dedication.  

Therefore, in this article, we’ll look through the importance of these programs with regards to overall employee motivation and engagement levels. 

Employee Bonus Plans

Employee bonus structure plans are essential for making your employees feel motivated and encouraged especially when you arrange effective employee bonus plans. 

However, the key method is to actually make your employees stay more dedicated to work as this will overall increase the earnings of your company. 

When your employees stay boosted, there are higher chances that they will come up with more innovative and creative ideas. 

Below are some of the facts you need to know before you start with your employee bonus plans.  

Why Does it Matter?

An effective bonus program can get your employees working and stay more motivated with their work. Moreover, when your employees stay connected with their work there are higher chances that the company or business will make more profit. 

The incentive push can indeed make your employees stay up to their performance and this can allow your team to perform better and also achieve their desired goals. 

Why Does the Timing of These Programs Matter?

Timing is pretty essential to carry the best results of your incentive programs. Moreover, when your incentive programs are delayed, there are chances for your employees to lose their motivation. 

That’s not all, employees tend to lose their interest in these incentive programs especially if they are not performed at the right time. 

Employee incentive programs are more like a “motivational strategy” to ensure the employees work with dedication and stay productive. 

When you carry these programs at the right time, your employees will give more value to these programs. 

So, as a team manager, it’s essential that you carry these employee incentive programs at a fixed time for more fruitful results. 

Who Gets the Bonuses?

A bonus is a kind of appreciation based on the performance of your employees. These bonuses or rewards can be of different types. 

For instance, if any of your employees show dedication to their work and bring good results, you can award them with incentives or even present them with something that they might appreciate. 

This entire bonus or incentive program is a strategy to encourage your employees to stay more connected with their work-life and stay more dedicated. 

Now, why do companies offer bonuses? 

Bonus is also a way to appreciate the talents of the employees. However, there are many different ways companies can motivate their employee’s incentives are found to be one of the most effective ways to do so. 

No matter how small or big a company might be, bonus programs are essential to keep your employees up to their game. 

There are many kinds of bonuses that you can implement depending on the criteria of the employees’ performance. 

Below are some of the types of employees bonus programs:


These are some of the most common bonus programs that most companies follow. So, as a manager, try to keep these bonus programs regular and on time. 

Creating a Bonus Pool

Now, the common question that arises among many managers is how to create an effective bonus pool. 

A bonus pool is more like a bonus or profit-sharing plan and it’s essential for creating effective bonus plans for your employees. 

Below are some of the facts that you need to keep in mind while creating bonus pools. 

1. Begin Early

To ensure a successful bonus plan, make sure to plan ahead and start with the processing as soon as possible. Determine the bonus figures and ensure that they are known and understood by everyone on your team. You can also create scoreboards that show the team’s progress so that the excitement for the bonus stays at its peak. 

2. Create a “Self-Funding Bonus”

A self-funding bonus plan means that bonus payments are made from profits over and beyond your target. For instance, if you have a merging of $50,000, the more than this amount is going to be your bonus pool. 

3. Make the Bonuses Significant Enough to Influence Behavior

The prospective incentive must be substantial enough to inspire excitement and motivate your employees to contribute to the earnings that result in bonuses.

4. Distribute Bonuses Equitably

Many organizations divide the bonus pool by base salary, ensuring that higher-paid employees receive a larger percentage. If you go for this option, keep it basic! Your employees must be able to track and comprehend their progress toward meeting their goals and earning their bonus.

5. Avoid Being Overwhelmed Targets

Throughout the incentive program’s first year, you want to provide your team with opportunities to win early and frequently in order to keep them motivated and interested. 

Nothing will demotivate your employees more than initiating a new bonus program and then failing to earn a bonus. Establish a somewhat easy aim in the first year to demonstrate your commitment and to give them a taste of victory.

6. Consider Making Bonuses Available After 30 Days

Paying incentives 30 days after the end of the quarter can help with cash flow, as clients typically do not pay you for 30-45 days or more. 

Therefore, it’s an excellent opportunity for your team to learn a valuable business lesson in real time.

7. Maintain a Separate Bonus Plan

Don’t forget to deduct payroll taxes, but do it in a separate check run to avoid them being viewed as pay. Make it abundantly clear that this is a bonus for accomplishing a goal, not an entitlement.

Your incentive program can be a drain on your organization or a source of revenue. Take the time to do it correctly.

Dividing the Bonus Plans

  1. Use the simplest manner possible and distribute the incentive equitably across all qualified employees. Managers may believe this is the most equitable strategy, as all employees are treated equally. However, dividing the money does not always account for each employee’s unique contribution. 
  2. Bonuses should be calculated as a proportion of compensation. Even distribution of bonus payments results in a disproportionately bigger payment to lower-paid employees. Set bonuses at a percentage of salary to prevent this discrepancy.
  3. Determine bonus amounts based on performance criteria. Establish a formal link between the incentive and performance evaluation. For instance, employees who earn a given score or evaluation level. 

    This strategy is far more subjective and contingent on manager evaluation, resulting in employee complaints and a sense of bias.

  4. Divide bonuses according to job responsibilities. For instance, employees may receive a percentage of the bonus based on their level of involvement in a project. Task managers may be tasked with deciding the level of involvement, or the group may be required to award a percentage to each member upon successful completion of each project. 
  5. Divide compensation based on the amount of money generated by each employee. This strategy works best when each person is directly accountable for revenue. 
  6. Distribute bonuses evenly among divisions or workgroups. Give the same bonus to all employees in a particular category. 

    This strategy rewards and encourages cohesive group performance but compensates non-performing team members on an equal footing with the most diligent workers.

Considered Compensation

Compensation refers to the entire amount of cash and non-monetary payments made to a staff in exchange for work performed for your organization. It is frequently one of the most significant costs for organizations with employees. Compensation includes more than an employee’s regular remuneration.


Profit-sharing refers to a variety of employee incentive plan systems implemented by firms that give employees direct or indirect compensation based on the company’s financial performance in addition to their normal salaries and bonuses. In publicly listed corporations, these schemes often consist of employee stock allocation.

What Kind of Incentive Program Template Will be Right for You?

employee incentives

When it refers to rewards, you have a range of possibilities. Each is designed to meet a specific business need. Several popular plans include the following:

  1. Promotions for Groups. This could be a company or business unit-level goal.
  2. Program Spurt. This is widely used in sales to stimulate business during a seasonally slow period or to shift goods inventories.
  3. Events and Meetings. This is a frequent occurrence at strategic planning workshops and all-employee kick-off activities.
  4. Independent Travel. This is often used in conjunction with a top-performer program and can also be used in conjunction with employee recognition programs.

Bottom Line

Employee incentive programs ensure that your employees remain satisfied with their working conditions. 

Managers who put an emphasis on employee happiness tend to increase their productivity and retention rates. 

All of these factors contribute to long-term revenue growth and the creation of a strong team of experts who contribute in several ways to business development.

