How to Choose Employee of The Month - Complete Guide

How to Choose the Employee of the Month

When an employee of your company works exceptionally well based on the company standards in a particular month or a certain duration, you can award them with the employee of the month award. You can provide trophies or other special gifts or advantages in the form of this award.

As you will be providing this award to your best-performing employees on a monthly basis, it can be a bit difficult and tricky to choose the person you are going to provide this with. You might want to know how you can choose the employee of the month conveniently. In this article, we will talk about the choosing process of the employee of the month.

For choosing the employee of the month you will need to follow some specific steps. These steps are-

– Setting up a checklist of criteria for the employee of the month

– Creating a proper voting system to select the employee of the month

– Verifying the criteria for selecting the employee of the month

– Assessing the qualities that are needed for an employee to be nominated for this award

– Finally choosing an employee from the list of nominated employees

Let’s have a deeper look into the steps throughout the rest of the article.

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Criteria for Employee of the Month

While establishing an effective program for the employee of the month award, the first step must be setting up a specific criteria checklist for this award. This checklist can contain anything. It can be employee recognition, employee retention, employee advocacy, or overall productivity. After deciding on various criteria, you can set them up for employees that need to fulfill them in order to be eligible for the award. 

Here are some factors that you can consider while setting up the employee of the month checklist-

  • Relations with Others
  • Attitude-Application to Work
  • Achievements
  • Judgment
  • Reliability
  • Attitude
  • Co-operation
  • Ability to Learn
  • Quality of Work
  • Serves Clients/Customers
  • Works with Diversity
  • Punctuality
  • Discipline
  • Attendance
  • Negotiating/Problem Solving Ability

Based on the above categories, you can judge the employees and provide them with specific ratings. You can find out who is excellent in one or more categories, and who is worthy of getting nominated for getting the award. You can judge the overall performance of your employees’ based on the above criteria through these ratings-

  •  Outstanding
  •  Exceeded expectations
  •  All performance standards have been met
  •  Some performance standards have been met
  •  Performed substantially below expectations

You can easily get a complete overview with these criteria and ratings that will help you in selecting the best employee of the month.

Creating a Proper Voting System

You can go for two different types of voting systems. The first type is creating a nominating committee that will consist of executives and managers from various teams or departments of the company. It will also include the members of human resources. The committee will meet once every month to nominate employees based on their performance on the set criteria and goals. Then the committee will discuss the merits of all the nominees in detail and will finally pick a winner.

The second type will involve all the employees of the company in the nomination process. It is a democratic way to pick the employee of the month, as the employee with the highest votes will win the award. Implementing this method can be challenging, but it’s the fairer way. 

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Verifying Criteria for Selecting the Winner

After selecting the nominations, it’s important to verify if the selected employees for this award have fulfilled the set criteria. It’s important to assess all their ratings in all the set criteria, and it will help to finally understand who stands out among all the others. It will help to choose the best employee for the month. The human resources department can verify the merit of the candidates against the criteria checklist. It will help in avoiding any type of favoritism from the executives or higher-ups. 

Also, after selecting the nominees based on their performance and ratings, they can be sent for a vote. After conducting a vote among all the employees of the company, the winner can be chosen. 

Picking the Winner Finally

There can be only one winner per month amongst all the nominated employees. After collecting all the nominations, the group can discuss collectively the merits of each of the nominated employees and finally come to a decision unanimously. To keep the process fair, it is important to check that no committee member campaigns for a nominated employee.

Importance of Employee of the Month Programs

An employee of the month program is paramount for keeping the employees of a company motivated. It will drive them to keep doing a better job at the workplace. They will get more productive. Most importantly, the employees will feel highly recognized and appreciated for their good performance, hard work, and efforts. 

They will also feel valued and will try their best to keep bringing in good results for the company. Everyone will try to bring something exceptional to the table so that they can get nominated for this award. An average employee can improve a lot through this type of determination. In return for all these, the company will enjoy massive growth and success. That’s why having a program like this is essential for every company.

Final Words

An employee of the month award can be a great way of recognizing the best performer in the workplace. Recognizing employees is a must thing to do for any workplace, as the success and growth of the company heavily depend on an engaged and happy workforce. As these awards get the employees highly engaged with the workplace, make sure to implement a proper employee of the month award program at your company by going through all the mentioned steps.

