Recognition and Company Culture


An essential component of any corporate goals and values should be employee recognition. This is so that employers can increase employee motivation, happiness, and pleasure by praising and rewarding their accomplishments.

Each element increases employee retention, reducing employees’ likelihood of leaving your company. Effective employee recognition programs can lay the groundwork for a beautiful workplace culture, reshaping it to encourage staff members to come to work every day.

Below are a few ways that increasing employee engagement via rewards might improve the corporate culture at your organization if it is lacking or needs improvement.

KPI Tracking On Improving Your Organization's Culture

Key performance indicator (KPI) tracking has long been an accepted business strategy for assessing and enhancing worker performance. KPI measurement can, however, be used to improve the “company culture” of a firm.

There are a few strategies to build corporate culture via KPI tracking. Establishing company and individual KPIs that encourage people to achieve expertise and foster a company culture that values personal success and outcomes is one strategy. Tracking cultural KPIs within the organization is another way to gauge the company’s culture’s strength. Companies can implement adjustments that strengthen their corporate culture using the data gathered on these corporate management KPIs.


Company culture performance indicators

So, which KPI should a company monitor to improve its corporate culture? Depending on the sector, objectives, and business model of the firm, worker, and company KPIs will be monitored. Examples of KPIs that could be used to either improve corporate culture or monitor an organization’s current culture are as follows:


KPIs for sales activities

The number of prospect calls, emails, and other company sales KPIs that monitor how frequently sales team members interact with leads may be tracked. Members of the sales team are more likely to participate actively.


Client satisfaction 

How satisfied are clients with the level of service? Monitoring client satisfaction is crucial for determining whether workers go through so much to deliver satisfactory solutions and how objectives are met.


Examples of company culture KPIs

In addition to monitoring team and individual performance measures, it’s crucial to monitor whether the corporate culture has a negative or positive impact on employees and make necessary improvements. Consequently, it could be essential to watch corporate culture KPIs like:


General Staff Engagement 

How involved are workers at work? According to Gallup, approximately 36% of all employees in the U.S. are “engaged” employees, or “those who are strongly active in, passionate about, and engaged at work.”

13% of employees, on the other hand, are “actively disengaged,” which means they are unhappy at work and might try to undermine the efforts of their employer. The additional 51% of employees don’t have strong opinions on either side. A good company culture prevents the development of disengaged workers who undermine the efforts of the business and encourages more people to be immersed in their tasks and work hard to accomplish or exceed their goals.


Voluntary Employee Turnover

Not every worker who is considering leaving will disclose this information if prompted. When asked how pleased they are now with their workplace in employee engagement surveys, they might not be sincere (especially if they fear being fired for receiving a bad score).

By examining volunteer employee turnover data, employers can learn how thriving their corporate culture is at employee retention if they need to make adjustments to prevent excessive employee attrition.


Rate of employee burnout

The “burnout rate” of employees within the company is a potent sign of a lousy business culture. High burnout employees “are 63% more inclined to take sick leave, 13% less effective in their performance, and 23% more inclined to go to the emergency department,” according to Gallup. The Gallup study also mentioned a rise in exhaustion among workers who regularly work from home, from an average of 18% to 29%.

5 factors that make employee recognition critical to company culture

While a firm is expanding, an employer may become overwhelmed with the responsibilities and issues at hand and fail to appreciate their employees’ efforts on their behalf.

Rewarding employees should be a year-round practice rather than having one date. A great workplace culture causes employees to feel valued for their contributions, which increases loyalty and productivity and inspires them to produce better work.

Below are the top 5 reasons why a firm should reward employees for their hard work in managing the workplace culture:


1. Enhances Engagement

Companies frequently struggle with low employee satisfaction and seek out various solutions to this issue. Therefore, a well-planned recognition reward or appreciation campaign is a terrific way to boost employee engagement and get them invested in the business.


Honors and rewards increase an employee’s sense of worth and job satisfaction. It will aid in improved Engagement and raise staff morale.


The organization’s top executives, including managers and HR specialists, should take the initiative to value top performers and boost employee engagement for the company’s increased productivity.


2. Encourages greater faith in the company

The most critical component in creating a welcoming and effective workplace is trust. Workers feel good about their work when their employer acknowledges and values their efforts and takes the time to illustrate the significant effect they are creating on the company. This fosters a strong sense of trust in the business and motivates employees to work hard.

A Globoforce survey shows that 86% of people who receive an appreciation award at work feel more proud of themselves, and 92% of recipients report being happier.


3. Significantly Increases Job Contentment

Employee happiness and job satisfaction are two concepts that go exceptionally well together. Companies should understand that rewarding employees for their contributions make them feel important and involved.

As a result, the company that recognizes its employees has a high retention rate. Recruiting and educating a new staff takes three to six months and also aids in cost reduction.


4. Enhances client services

Customers select the business that offers them excellent service in all areas. However, staff members must be in a positive frame to provide consumers with adequate services. You might therefore assert that “happy customers mean contented staff.”

Treating others well is much easier as we are treated properly and appreciated for our efforts. Excellent leadership and satisfying employee recognition will impact customer services and create a welcoming environment for new clients.


5. Improved Workplace Culture

The core of any company is its workforce. Employees are essential to a company’s growth, reputation, revenue, and culture. Staff work for companies and commit significant time to them, so employers are responsible for ensuring their happiness.

The psychological need for recognition in humans can be satisfied by granting them a compliment, credit for a job well done, encouraging words, making them joyful, and pushing them to put up an additional effort in the quality department. Employees become a part of the business family that works to advance the business because of the sound effects made in the little things.

How to Foster an Environment of Recognition

Effective employee recognition programs can also lay the groundwork for a wonderful workplace culture, reshaping it in a way that motivates staff members to come to work every day.

Here are a few ways that increasing work engagement with rewards might improve the corporate culture at your organization if it is lacking. 


Concentrate on What Gives Work Meaning

The process of finding meaning at work varies from business to business. In one organization, taking risks may be emphasized for employee advancement, while teamwork may be emphasized in another.

To improve business culture, identify what makes the work valuable for your company before creating an employee recognition program. By doing this, you may assist your staff in realizing the value of their effort. On the other hand, rewarding teammates for their contributions can also help them feel a sense of purpose.


Implement top-down employee recognition programs

Developing a genuine recognition culture requires the participation and cooperation of top management. The reward behavior that desires to see in employees should be modeled by senior leadership. This is possibly the most crucial means of letting everyone know how important it is to create an environment of recognition.


Create Programs Based on Your Values

Develop a program for employee recognition and awards that reflects your company’s ideals. Making eCards, or digital cards, for every one of your company’s principles is one approach to achieving this. Becoming an excellent teammate could be another core value at work. Here, you may suggest to each employee that they take a stroll together, bring in meals to share, go to luncheon with a coworker, or assist a coworker.


Build a Positive Work Environment

Increased productivity, interpersonal connections, and employee engagement cultivate a favorable organizational culture. Recognize staff members for specific behavior. For instance, team members that attend off-site lunches and engage in work functions and thematic days can receive prizes. Additionally, adopting an employee recognition tool that enables peer-to-peer acknowledgment via a social wall helps foster closer bonds among coworkers.

Employee awards and recognition continuously thank staff members for their efforts, successes, and teamwork while reinforcing organizational values. Urge individuals to share their personal experiences as a means to strengthen bonds between coworkers and promote a positive workplace culture. For instance, you can provide recognition opportunities that encourage employees to share their experiences with others.

Employee work tales can significantly impact the content and tone of your corporate culture. However, discussing stories on a bigger scale fosters an atmosphere of transparency and openness within your company. Team members are more willing to share information as a result. Additionally, a more pleasant workplace fosters a more upbeat environment. Improved enthusiasm and a stronger desire to deliver excellent results follow from this.


Create recognition opportunities 

Personal generic, commercial or automated acknowledgment lacks significance and won’t really contribute to creating a wonderful workplace culture. On the other hand, employees tend to have a more positive experience when supervisors and leaders personalize recognition initiatives.

Develop individualized recognition programs that are adaptable enough to accommodate the demands of each worker while being consistent with your business’s vision, values, and objectives. To achieve this, make an effort to be aware of each person’s preferences and the best reward for a certain achievement.

