Your Company Swag as Staff Rewards in Recognize


The Recognize Team understands that you may work with a different swag provider than another company. That's why we work with over a dozen providers that we have partnered with to provide a robust employee rewards catalog that can include your swag items, such as branded pull-overs, mugs, and office supplies.

Working with Top Swag Providers

The BYOS system at Recognize means your favorite swag provider is compatible with Recognize. That means incentivizing staff through the usage of no-fee swag. Recognize does not charge any transaction fees for the swag.

Check Pricing

Swag providers Recognize works with - Printful, Zazzle, Concord, Axomo,, Printfection.

Recognize Captures Shipping from Your Employees

When staff redeems items in Recognize, they provide their address, we verify it, and send the information along to your Swag provider. By verifying the address upfront, Recognize ensures your staff will get the company swag to their doorstep.

Recognize Supports On-Site Swag

Are your feet using a box of swag as a footrest at your office desk right now? With Recognize, let’s distribute that swag to people who want it. It is as simple as one time entering the inventory into Recognize. Reward Admins add quantity, sizes, and point values into Recognize.

See more about Bring Your Own Swag (BYOS) in the FAQ.

Meet with Us

Don’t worry, we don’t bite. Our account executive team wants to answer your questions and see if Recognize makes sense for you. We want to build long lasting, multi-year relationships with companies. Our pricing is transparent and will answer all questions you have. Reach out to us for the current discounts.

Meet with Us