Employee Involvement & Participation - Why it Matters in 2022

how can employee involvement measures motivate employees

Hiring the best talents isn’t enough for a company to succeed; you also need to ensure your employees meet your organizational needs. Mold your employees and their work styles by practicing involvement programs that increase their motivation, productivity, and output. You may be thinking, but how can employee involvement measures motivate employees?

Employee involvement measures refer to the process of letting employees input their opinion about decisions that affect their work. This may be through company meetings, committees, etc. When employees are involved in the decision-making process, they have more autonomy over their work and workplace. Having a say makes them more committed and loyal to the company; hence they are less likely to switch or quit jobs. They feel important, contributing personnel and are motivated to work more efficiently and productively.

Are you interested to know more? Let’s dive into the article!

What Are Employee Involvement Measures?

When employees participate in management meetings or processes to systematically provide their input about decisions that affect their job, it is known as employee involvement. It is also referred to as employee engagement, participation, democracy, voice, etc.

The process of employee participation programs provides the employees with better autonomy and commitment to their work. When employees are engaged with the decision-making process, their commitment to the organization and organizational success increase. The employee-engaging system is highly contrary to the general hierarchy-based system and requires many structural, policy, and cultural changes.

Examples of Employee Involvement

Setting up employee involvement programs or measures is the primary work. Once they’re set up, and in motion, there is little to no work. Below are some examples of employee involvement measures:

  • Quality control circles
  • Safety committees
  • Open communication
  • Structures suggestion systems
  • Employee problem-solving task force
  • Continuous improvement teams
  • Idea campaign 
  • Suggestion box 

How Employee Involvement Measures Motivate Employees

Employee involvement requires employees to partake in decision-making activities about their own work. In the general hierarchy-based system in companies, employees usually do not have much or any say about the programs, company decisions, etc. But, when the involvement measures are taken, employees get to provide their perspectives, inputs, concerts, etc.

This makes them feel recognized and an essential part of the company. When their inputs are considered or carried out, they can see the value their contributions bring. Employees feel validated and valued; hence they become more loyal and committed to the organization.

Moreover, being an active part of the company’s decision-making helps them better understand its values and work ethics. In turn, they are more aligned to the work ethics and culture and are able to mold themselves based on the organizational lead. Climbing the ladder of success is more manageable, the workload becomes interesting, and their career can succeed seamlessly within the organization.

The autonomy and control over their work and work environment help them achieve their full potential. Employees are more likely to be enthusiastic about their roles, responsibilities, and the workplace. So, they are motivated to work harder and better to be an active part of the company and its decision-making. All of these enhance their productivity, efficiency, and dedication.

Benefits of Employee Involvement Measures

Employee involvement measures surely help boost employee motivation. Following are some benefits your company will enjoy if employee involvement measures are implemented:

1. Increased Productivity

Productivity is the primary expectation of a company from its employees. When employees are involved, they are more aware and can make calculated decisions. They can plan work efficiently, carry it out, and handle any work-related situation more calmly.  They are more creative and innovative, coming up with new solutions and ideas to help the company.

All in all, the more engaged/involved they are, the more dedicated and enthusiastic they are. This enhances the employees’ productivity and the growth of the company. 

2. Enhanced Morale and Aligned Work Ethics 

When employees are involved in the company’s activities, they better understand the work ethics and work culture. So, it is easier for them to align themselves with those expectations. The importance of employee involvement is enormously increasing day by day. Employee involvement can surely help employers understand and healthily reinforce the work ethic and workplace behaviors they want to see from their employees.

Employee morale refers to the attitude/behavior, satisfaction, and emotion employees bring towards their work and the company. Employees with high morale stay motivated, efficient and maintain a healthy relationship with their peers. Employee involvement helps boost employee morale and confidence and helps them align with the company’s expectations.

So, employee involvement results in enhanced employee morale and aligned work ethics. All of this leads to a more efficient, united, productive outcome for your company.

3. Commitment towards The Company 

Psychologically speaking, it is evident that we humans like to be recognized, valued, and heard. When employees participate more actively in company matters, input their ideas, perspectives, and opinions, then see them being implemented- they feel recognized, appreciated, and valued. They receive higher job satisfaction.

They can see that their contribution matters and is being appreciated by many. This boosts their work enthusiasm and their loyalty to the company. They are more likely to give their best effort to fulfill their duties. Their creativity is fueled, and they try to develop innovative ideas that will help the company succeed. 

4. Lower Turnover Rate/ Higher Retention Rate

The previous point of commitment towards the company brings us to other important outcomes, such as lower employee turnover rate or higher employee retention rate. When employees are more engaged in the company activity, are committed, and have higher job satisfaction, they are less likely to switch or quit jobs. 

So, your company can maintain a stable retention and turnover rate with dedicated, loyal employees. It also helps reduce problems of high turnover rate or low retention rate.

5. Healthier Peer Relationship

When employees get involved in important company policies and decision-making, it creates mutual trust and respect. It also creates team bonds and helps recognize which employees can be paired together for more efficient work. Moreover, the involvement measurements frequently require the employees to work together. So, employees grow a healthy, supportive, helpful, understanding bond with each other. Team bonding is also easier, and work output becomes more productive and efficient.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the employee retention rate?

Employee retention rate is a company’s ability to retain employees over a certain period. A good retention rate indicates low employee turnover rates or the rate employees leave or quit jobs over a specific period.

2. What is a good employee turnover rate?

The ideal employee turnover rate for an organization is around (or less than) 10%. However, the majority of the companies fail to sustain this rate, ending up with a 12%-20% employee turnover rate. 

3. Do rewards motivate employees?

Yes, rewards motivate employees by enhancing their productivity and work enthusiasm. It also increases loyalty and commitment to the company and is a great tool to create a healthy team bond among employees. 

Bottom Line

Employees are the pillar of success for any company. You need to keep your employees motivated if you want them to be productive, efficient, and committed to meeting the organizational needs. Thankfully, more and more ways of motivating and recognizing employees are being thought of and implemented. We hope this article answers your question, “how can employee involvement measures motivate employees?”

Have any other questions? Let us know!. 

