The Employee Performance Management Process


The performance management process is crucial to effective personnel management. Before providing five science-based recommendations to improve your performance management process, we’ll provide a basic summary of what the entire process involves in this article.

What is the performance management process?

Performance management refers to a collection of procedures, techniques, and instruments designed to help workers accomplish their objectives. Employee objectives are frequently established when an employee and their immediate head meet to talk about goals for the upcoming year at the start of a business cycle. The idea behind ensuring that the person has all of the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to accomplish those goals is known as performance management.

(Bi)annual performance reviews are a good way to gauge how well the performance management approach is working. At this point, the manager assesses the worker’s performance.

The manager shouldn’t, however, be shocked by the meeting’s outcomes. This is because effective performance management includes both focused actions to enhance performance and active monitoring of the status of the goals that have been set. To (further) increase performance, these interventions might be as straightforward as praising great performance, mentoring, on-the-job training, or development courses.

Advantages of Performance Management

What other advantages may performance management provide in addition to an increase in profitability?


1. Makes training needs clear

To gain a better understanding of the skill set that your employees have, more regular reviews can be introduced, whether informal or formal. To pinpoint training needs before they affect productivity, it can be helpful to provide an open platform for employees to communicate and debate their tasks regularly.

Performance management and routine evaluations can help to uncover any weaknesses or future training requirements, whether your staff needs to get better at a particular skill or get more in touch with the evolving trends in their niche.


2. Aids workforce preparation

Workforce planning can also be aided by regular reviews conducted with team members as part of a larger performance management approach. Employee input on existing and upcoming workloads can be used to determine potential needs for additional staff.

If your employees are having problems handling their current responsibilities, plans can be established to spread the work among employees and give preference to the most pressing tasks.


3. Aids in selecting the most qualified workers for promotions

Constant reviews are a terrific technique to comprehend your employees’ performance and determine whether they are qualified for promotion.

The same performance review process will be used for all team members. As a result, managers may more accurately and consistently evaluate candidates for promotions, pay raises, and transfers. This won’t only guarantee that the best candidates for promotion are chosen, but it will also allow for greater openness and equity in your selection procedure.


4. Boosts morale

Everyone appreciates being complimented on their work. A performance evaluation is an ideal venue for formalizing and recording appreciation. However, assessments should involve more than just determining goals for the subsequent quarter. Additionally, it ought to create a setting where a line manager can acknowledge team members.

Content workers are more effective workers. Employees would work harder, according to a startling 69% of them, if they felt appreciated for their efforts. Paychecks are no longer sufficient compensation; instead, reviews and regular feedback are essential to preserving employee morale.



5. Improves worker retention

Companies that regularly provide feedback have turnover rates 14.9% lower than those of employees who don’t receive it, according to research conducted by HR Daily Advisor earlier this year. A high personnel turnover rate could negatively affect your business. Not to mention how it affects staff morale and productivity.

Your performance management tactic ensures your employees’ goals and expectations are defined properly and frequently evaluated. Additionally, the implementation of frequent feedback sessions and evaluations enables a worker to report and address any difficulties.

Communication gets much simpler and more fluid when staff members are given the option to communicate with their superiors routinely. Managers are also updated on the development of their team members and any prospective problems. Normal feedback, both informal and formal, will be possible with a sound performance assessment plan. Employee appreciation will be given top priority, and growth and learning will be promoted.

HR and team leaders share the responsibility for performance management. HR is responsible for making sure the performance management process is curated properly, and that team leaders possess all the resources they need to succeed. The team lead is in charge of putting this into action. They’re to have discussions with their team members and use the resources provided to them to raise the performance of their employees. This indicates that the two go together.

Performance management might concentrate on teams, divisions, or even the entire company rather than just a single employee. The majority of the procedures that apply to one employee also apply to bigger groups.

Performance Management Best Practices

Here are five science-based tips on how to improve the performance management process for both manager and employee.


1. Involve the employee directly

Performance management is no longer done in a top-down manner. The individual and their immediate supervisor have major responsibilities in performance management.

According to research, greater employee involvement in the performance management process increases employee happiness, commitment, and incentive to enhance performance (Cawly, Keeping & Levy, 1998).


2. Establish a culture of continuous learning

The ability to learn new skills and abilities helps one perform better. The concept of continuous learning has gained popularity recently. A workplace that encourages staff growth is necessary for continuous learning. Setting objectives, obtaining and applying feedback to make improvements, actively engaging in developmental activities, and monitoring one’s progress are all components of self-development.

Organizations should develop and support a culture that makes it possible to encourage this. According to a study on the subject, the key components of this are informational feedback, communication of organizational goals, behavioral choices with obvious consequences, autonomy to make decisions that significantly impact the employee’s outcomes, and providing meaningful justification for actions.

The study goes on to describe some elements that foster a culture of continuous learning. Individuals and teams should be able to engage with one another freely, objectives should be determined by people who will carry them out, and using new knowledge and skills should have rewards.

This demonstrates the connection between effective continuous learning and performance management. The performance management procedures we previously mentioned are essential components for empowering individuals to improve themselves.


3. Establish a reliable 360-degree feedback system

A system known as 360-degree feedback, also known as multi-rater feedback, combines an employee’s feedback with that of their superiors, coworkers, and supervisor. Although 360-degree feedback could be utilized for informal comments, it is increasingly employed in salary and promotion choices as well as performance reviews for employees.

360° feedback is only moderately effective. It can influence behavior, according to some studies, but other studies reveal no discernible change in behavior. Some even speak of detrimental effects (Bracken & Rose, 2011). Bracken & Rose outline four success factors for a 360-degree feedback approach. Which are:

  • Content that matters: Assessment criteria and competencies must be in line with the company’s Key Performance Drivers.
  • Solid information: The information gathered must be reliable. There are various ways to accomplish this, such as using raters who are qualified, educating them on how to provide accurate ratings, using standardized rating scales, etc.
  • Accountability: The 360° method shouldn’t be used independently. Planning for follow-up and tracking progress will ensure behavioral change and action.
  • Census involvement: Management must be responsible and set clear expectations for the feedback to be completed

These four elements make sure that you get the most out of the 360° approach.


4. Be intentional about getting a reliable performance management system.


Performance management is a multifaceted, challenging process. There are many advantages to streamlining this. Both performance reviews and employee development are included in a successful PMS(Performance Management System). Similar to the 360-feedback system previously addressed, these systems frequently provide ongoing performance monitoring through regular evaluations, assist in goal development, and should be adaptable to meet the business culture.


According to research, increased communication, internal consistency, and strict control are crucial success criteria for a decent performance management system. This implies that there must be a distinct connection between objectives, evaluation, and monitoring.

The performance management system for your employees must also be communicated consistently and effectively. In addition, since system satisfaction is impacted by the performance management process, it should be strictly regulated. For those who perform in roles with less autonomy, this impact seems to be particularly strong.


5. Foster a workforce of One

According to research by Decramer, Smolders, and Vanderstraeten (2013), the tenure status of university employees affects how satisfied academic workers are with performance management procedures. The happiness of all groups within an organization will be maximized by using various policy kinds and methods. David Smith, Accenture’s managing director, refers to this as the “workforce of one.”

Talent management is becoming more customized and individualized. David refers to this as “mix-and-match,” where various workforce segments can pick to an extent.

As pertains to managing performance, you might consider evaluating personnel at different levels—from senior-level to entry-level—using different methods. Whereas less experienced workers could benefit from more direction, more seasoned workers can determine their objectives. Another illustration is that younger generations frequently seek out career chances, whilst older generations could be searching for coaching positions where they can impart their experience.

By attending to these requirements, the organization is better able to satisfy both categories while also advancing its personnel. Of course, everyone should be graded under the same core performance rating process, as doing so ensures that the findings can be applied consistently across the board.

